Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cats are crazy: theory by Orion hinchy

The facts:

I have personally witnessed cats trying to show who gets to own a stump, and all they do is meow and roll around.

Some spray a foul-smelling chemical out of their posterior on to you(I have experienced this twice), and others go out of their way to make kittens, regardless of gender.

Cats bite as well, and can have one nasty nip no matter what age.

Dogs are affectionate as a majority, but cats...

Have you ever heard a dog hiss? What about a cat that will lick your face?

Some cats sleep 12 hours a day

Sure dogs can bark, but cats can't tell whether someone is trustworthy.

And there you have it, undenyable proof that cats are crazy, some even evil.

Note: please do not take offence cat lovers, this is suppsed to be a joke (sorta)

1 comment:

  1. aww, he just thinks we have too many cats (3, plus a neighbor hanging around) and not enough dogs (0). And while I rather agree . . . . still, not the time for a dog.
