Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow days

Snow day: a day of outdoor freedom

Today it has snowed once again, and I think it's time to talk about snow days for homeschoolers. Whether or not the kids get to have the day off, it's up to the parent, and personally, I get to get out of work by going outside. My mother encourages me and my little brother to go outside, and when it snows it SNOWS. Some parents argue that they give their kids a day off because they deserve it, and others argue that because they give their kids a day off on regular school days. No matter what you think, snow days are stil fun.


  1. It's not a day off, it's all day gym class! If you take time to notice outside stuff, like the trees and bushes are in bud, even under all that February snow, then it's science and gym!
